A Gift for a Loved One

Giving can be a wonderful way to remember our friends and family members who have passed away before us. From time to time the Cemetery Board sets a “Wish List” of items they feel will benefit the overall cemetery in appearance. An item may be funded or partly funded through your generosity and listed as a memorial to your loved ones. Donations to the overall cemetery fund are greatly appreciated. These gifts are placed in revenue generating type funds to be used to perpetuate overall cemetery maintenance in the future. Your donations are tax deductible. Donations may be made through the church in the form of cash or stock.

Presbyterian Cemetery Funds Presbyterian Church of Washington 4834 South Point Road Washington, MO. 63090
636 239-3178

We are thankful for your contribution. Stocks and cash gifts may also be left to the Cemetery Perpetual Care through an individual’s estate. Please clearly mark how you wish your Donation or Memorial to be used, along with who it is in honor of, and checks or funds transfer, may be sent through the Church.